Laura M.
My son has been struggling simply with the transitions of life. We parent the best way we know how, but sometimes, we simply don't have the answers. Every time I would ask my son to do something, he breaks down crying. The stresses today just aren't what they were years ago. I had no idea how to get through to him. It isn't the end of the world. 2 visits and we had a breakthrough!! I asked him today to do something and rather than cried, he responds, " I don't see the answer mom, can you show me how to do this"? I was beyond happy to show him and am so thankfu to Dory and all that she does and this new found relationship as we enter the teen years <3 She has a cozy, warm, welcoming energy and a gift at offering perspective. She is truly following her calling and it reflects in her work. I highly recommend her services.